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Very wholesome game! I like the story and artwork! Also localizing it was awesome!

I did hit a gamebreaking bug when I pressed z not next to an NPC after hugging the ice cream kid and his text appeared repeatedly and I was unable to move.

Obrigado por falar desse erro. Vou corrigir.


it really made me smile :)


Big smiles :')


Cool Stuff:

- it's very cool you made it dual language.

- a game where you don't kill stuff?  revolutionary!


- since the game didn't say anything about movement keys i was stuck at the beginning for a bit wondering why Z wasn't working.  Maybe I am just dumb, but adding the movement keys to the instructions wouldn't hurt just so we know we can move, because the beginning looks a bit like a visual novel screen.

-i know i'm a weirdo, but i'm on dvorak layout and the keys still use qwerty so it was a bit weird to control the Z and X.  some engines like Godot use the "real" key instead of the "projected key" i would recommend that for games by default.  not a big deal as won't affect most people

- i wasn't able to get out of the first room.  probably my fault.  not sure if it's control related or i'm just missing a part of the gameplay mechanics

Thanks for sharing!  

Boas observações. Pensei que o excesso de instruções poderia acabar irritando alguns jogadores, mas vou adicionar suas sugestões. Obrigado!


Awww this is so wholsome!

Obrigado por ter gostado!


Ideia e arte muito fofas!

Very cute idea and art!

(1 edit)
